
우리 부부는 아름다운 제주도에서 우리의 삶을 소재로하여 음악과 춤이 어우러진 영상을 촬영합니다. 
우리는 과연 자신이 원하는 세상을 선택할 수는 없는 것일까요? 우리의 
눈에 보이는 것을 초월하는 제 2의 삶을 창조하고 만끽하는 작업이 바로 예술이라고 생각합니다.
그 생각이 우리를 제주도로 이끌었고, 음악과 영상을 창조하게 했습니다.


My wife and I film a video featuring music and dance based on our lives in beautiful Jeju Island. 
The life of childhood that had to be given by nature, the life of youth that had to gain status from the world, 
And the hardships of middle age when I had to struggle to protect what was given to me. 
Our past days were a time when we could not escape the cage of ‘reality’ that was passively given to us. 

Is it really impossible for us to choose the world we want? 

I thought that when a person’s soul becomes an adult, it finally breaks out of its cage and creates a new world of its own.
I thought art was the work of creating and enjoying a second life that transcends what is visible to the eye, while still alive.
That thought led us to Jeju Island and created music and video.

“Video와 vision은 라틴어의 videre와 visus에서 유래된 말로 to look, to see의 뜻과 동시에 초차연적인 것에 대한 상상과 감지를 의미한다”

“Video and vision are words derived from the Latin words videre and visus, meaning imagination and perception of the supernatural at the same time as the meaning of to look, to see.”


Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@janinto
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/fromjaninto
Faceboobk Janinto Profile: https://www.facebook.com/janinto.stranger
Faceboobk Yejin Profile: https://www.facebook.com/yejin.ham.180
Instagram Janinto: https://www.instagram.com/janintoheaven/
Instagram Yejin: https://www.instagram.com/janinto_atelier